Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Urgent Help Needed - How to Expedite American Visa

It is Lannie's wish to see her only sister soon.  All necessary documents aiding to get her the visa to the US have been received.  The normal visiting visa application is based on an appointment-interview procedure that if she applies now the earliest appointment would be January 2011.  Given the urgent nature of the visit, we'd like to seek ways to expedite the visa process.

If you know such process, please post your answers in response to this entry.  The more detail the better.  And better yet if you could post in Chinese, it'd be a great help that her sister could follow the blog in China.

Thank you very, very much!



  1. The following may help:

    1. In China, it is now possible to pick which US Embassy to apply for visa (in the past you must apply in the particular office where the applicant lives). You can check on line to see which US Embassy has opening sooner.

    2. The following is the information from US Embassy in Guanzhou for expediting visa application for emergency.





    3. There are many US Embassies in China: e.g. Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, shenyang, Wuhan etc. Pick the one that is most convenient to the sister to visit.
    * Go on line to check if there is similar expedited service with the particular US Embassy in China.
    * The web site is www.usembassy.gov
    Go to the country list and pick "East Asia and Pacific", pick the name of the particular US embassy in China. When it opens up, on right margin, pick 非移民签证, pick 加急面谈

    4 Should submit application with letter from Lanni's doctor/hospital verifying the terminal condition of Lanni, the time/urgency, the remaining life expectancy of Lanni.

    5. May also help to have following additional supporting documents:
    a. a letter from Lanni to her sister mentioning her terminal condition and expressing her desperate wish to see her sister
    b. proof of financial support for all expenses of sister while in US - e.g.
    * Lanni's letter mentioning that she will bear all sister's living expenses while in US
    * Lanni's husband completing the attached Form I-134, Financial :Support, together with letter of employment signed and dated by the employer (in employer's official stationary stating his job title, job responsibilities, date of employment and annual salary), and bank letter stating bank accounts, date opened and current balance (Instructions for completing Form I-134 also attached)
    * Sister getting similar letter from employer and bank letter from bank

    6. To expedite matter, have documents scanned and sent through email as attachment to the sister or faxed to her, in addition to sending via express delivery.

    7. If all things fail, even if there is no sooner interview date or appointment, it would be worth the try to go to US EMBASSY,with completed application & all supporting documents and plead the case with the receptionist, or ask to see a supervisor to request expedited processing of application.

    8. Lanni's husband try seeking help from local House of Representative or Senator to see if he is willing to contact US Embassy in China (specify which US Embassy the sister will be making the application) on Lanni's behalf to urge the US Embassyto make a special exception to issue the visa on humanitarian ground.
    9. When communicating with US Embassy or Senator or House of Representative , or in letter from Lannni, should highlight the remaining life expectancy of Lanni to show the urgency of the request.

    10. If there is insufficient time to get all the suggested documentation, get what you can within time permitted.

    Please forward this email to the person needing this information, as I do not have such information.

    May God facilitate the visa request.

    Vivienne Hsu

  2. 下面这个链接专门提供访美签证加急,号称100%成功。不妨一试。而且北京就有办事处。



    地点: 北京市崇文门外大街新怡商务楼B座1130室 邮编:100062



  3. 北京美国领馆已经同意Lannie姐姐的紧急约见申请,领馆会在1-5个工作日内排定约见时间。目前已经把所有领馆要求的材料送过去了。


  4. Per Lu Qiang (yesterday pm) - Lannie 姐姐的加急面试申请批准现应十拿九稳;Lu Qiang 已把使馆需要的文件传真过去。


  5. Here is the latest from Lu Qiang:

    The visa problem has been resolved. Her sister will go and get the visa on Th. afternoon, local time. Most likely, her sister will be here by the weekend, the latest. Please thank everyone on behalf of Lannie and me for the info and their warm support.

    Lu, Qiang

  6. Xiao Guan sent this at 1:31am this morning (2:31pm Beijing time):

    Lannie's sister got her visa now and will pick it up at 3pm local time today.

    God bless!

    Xiao Guan

  7. Per Lu Qiang this morning at 8:33, he has booked a ticket for Lannie's sister. She will arrive in Boston on Saturday, 12/4. Lu Jia will go to the airport to pick her up.


  8. Thank you all who responded to this topic. It is greatly appreciated.


  9. Vietnam visa on arrival is a special arrangement made for those who need to visit Vietnam on a very short notice greenvisa.io website help you Easily On Vietnam Visa On Arrival. There isn't enough time to wait for the visa to arrive, so the visitor travels without a visa but receives the same at the destination airport.
