Monday, November 29, 2010

Lannie's Current Condition

As you may know, Lannie has been fighting against lung cancer for almost two and a half years.  Recently her condition has worsened - bloating, unable to pass stool, unable to take food without violent vomiting etc.  On the evening of Thanksgiving, she was once again admitted to the Milford Hospital.   Though her vomiting was somewhat under control right now, her left leg is swollen, which is caused by a blockage in the blood vessel.

She was given IV along with medicine to calm her stomach and to thin her blood.  She can have a few sips of chicken broth every hour or so.  Her sleeping varies from night to night, sometimes good and other times bad.  She is in good spirit when she sees her friends.

We started this blogger on behalf of Lu Qiang to inform all of you who care dearly about Lannie's condition.   Please know your loving concern is greatly appreciated by Lannie and Lu Qiang.  Please keep Lannie in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. We'll try to keep you informed by updating this blogger every other day. Please do NOT send any cards, foods, or flowers to the hospital at this time.

We thank you all for your understanding and continuous support.

Lu, Qiang


  1. Lannie will be in our thoughts and prayers.

  2. Lannie,

    At this moment, any word will be pale and fade away. I pray God be with you, take care of you. Hope your family's support and love will be blessed!


  3. Lannie and Lu Qiang:

    We will pray for our Lord to be with you.

    Jianzhong & Lina

  4. 简要向大家通报一下:我昨天下午(11/29)在医院陪了Lannie一阵儿---Lannie喝了两次果汁,2-3次水。一次也没有吐。帮Lannie轻轻活动了几下胳膊和右腿(没肿的那条);Lannie说左腿看上去也好些,没前两天那么肿了。感觉Lannie的状态不错。

    路过医院的服务台,看到台面上摆放着这样一行字(大概意思;具体wording记不清了):Everyday is a new day with new strength and new thoughts. 把这句话讲给了Lannie听,希望她一天天好起来。。。


  5. Hi Lannie, I pray that everyday your life will be filled with peace, love and care from our heavenly father, family and friends. May lord comfort you in many ways and give you the strength you need.

  6. After a lengthy discussion with her doctor this evening and based on the doctor’s advice, Lannie will be given continuous IV drop plus a new pain medicine mixed in around the clock, starting tomorrow. According to the doctor, the medicine will be able to better control her belly pain and vomiting, thus will put her in a more comfortable situation. The downside of the new medication is that it will make her drowsy and sleepy, therefore, the hours when she will be awake and alert are reduced. Based on the doctor’s recommendation, the visitation hours will follow these new guidelines:

    1. There will a sign posted on the door of her hospital room.
    2. All visitors need to have the nurse’s permission to enter her room.
    3. Before allowing anyone to go in, the nurse will check on Lannie to see if she is awake and is in a position to see her friends and visitors.
    4. Please keep your visitation time within 30-40 minutes.
    5. Please avoid going to the hospital in large groups (more than three people at a time).

    Meanwhile, the doctor also agreed to keep her in the hospital indefinitely according to her current medical condition. Knowing that she is cared for around the clock by competent professional people is the best that we can get for her right now.

    We appreciate your understanding and continuous support for her. Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
    Thank you very much.

    Lu, Qiang

  7. Here is the latest about Lannie’s condition – information compiled from two sources: 1) Mrs. Duan who was accompanying Lannie in the hospital during the day; 2) Lina who had a telephone conversation with Lu Qiang this evening.

    There is good news, and there is not-so-good news.

    好消息是 Lannie 可以继续在医院接受看护和治疗。这要感谢华珍打电话说服 Lannie 继续待在医院,又通过特殊渠道使 Lannie 的主治医生同意。谢谢华珍!

    Another good news is her swollen leg appeared better today.

    Now the not-so-good news: Lannie had some stomach pain and violent vomiting this afternoon. She was given new medicines to maximize her comfort. These drugs, however, were very strong, so Lannie has been sleeping since. The doctor will continue these drugs on her in the coming days, so this means Lannie will be sleeping most of the time.

    Please note that visiting Lannie from now on will be restricted per her doctor’s recommendation. You may refer to the above posting by Lu Qiang this evening for details.

    We ask you to please continue pray for her. You are most welcome to share your thoughts and prayers on the blog. Should you have difficulties posting, you may send your message via email to, and I will do so on your behalf.


  8. From Beisong:



  9. Thank you for all the updates regarding Lannie's condition, we have been thinking about and talking about her a lot. She is and will be in our thoughts always!


  10. Lannie:

    I said a prayer for you today in the deep of my heart, and know God must have heard. I felt the answer, although He spoke no word. I asked that He'd be near you at the start of each new day to grant you courage and strength. I pray that you feel the God's presence in these difficulty days, and how much love surrounds you. For God's infinite compassion and love, I prayed the most of all with boundless love and hope.


  11. Dear Lannie,

    I pray our Lord to be with you all the time. You will be the best friend and be in my thought forever.

    God blessing you and your family.


  12. Dear Lannie,

    Just want to share a song with you that we sang at church last Sunday (now, with me everyday). I was so in touched when we sang together, and hope you heard it came from our heart:

    Emmanuel 神与你同在,
    Emmanuel 常与你同在,

    Emmanuel 神与我同在,
    Emmanuel 常与我同在,

    GOD is with you and you family


  13. Dear Lannie:

    We are wordless at this moment. We wish some miracles happen...
    We pray for you....

    Love Chen Muli & Shi Yuan

  14. Dear Lannie,

    You are in our thoughts and prayers and we are thinking of you...we hope we can find a way to be useful to you. You are a wonderful friend. We love you.

    Yaping & Shiquan

  15. Lannie:



  16. I visited Lannie yesterday around 2PM. She looks the same as 10 days ago which is a good sign. Lannie introduced her sister to me and said "You met before". Obviously Lannie has a better memory than me. Today, Jay will come to the hospital to take care of Lannie. I am glad that Lannie are surrounded by her loved ones to keep her spirit up.

