Jinhua just came home from Lannie's bedside and told me the following:
1. The medicine kept Lannie sleeping until about 2pm. During her sleep, Jinhua tried to wake her by talking to her. She was conscious about Jinhua's presence. However the medicine kept her from waking up.
2. The nurse came by every half hour or so to change her position. She developed some rash on her lower back. The nurse cleaned her and applied lotion/oil on her. The doctor ordered a new mattress that'd help her back circulation.
3. Lannie had a fever of 102 F. She was given some medicine. Jinhua used a fruit ice bar to moisten her mouth. She swallowed some while asleep. By 3pm the temperature came down to 100.01 F.
4. Then a little after 2pm, Lannie woke up. Her eyes were bright with no sign of sleepiness. She asked to urinate. The nurses came to help and then cleaned her again.
5. The swollen on her left leg came down quite a bit.
From Mingzhu:
I said a prayer for you today in the deep of my heart, and know God must have heard. I felt the answer, although He spoke no word. I asked that He'd be near you at the start of each new day to grant you courage and strength. I pray that you feel the God's presence in these difficulty days, and how much love surrounds you. For God's infinite compassion and love, I prayed the most of all with boundless love and hope.