Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Lannie, 永不消逝的芳菲 ⋯⋯

A private burial service was held in honor of Lannie on Wed. Dec. 22, 2010 at the Hopedale Village Cemetery. On behalf of Jay, I would like to express our heart-felt gratitude for the kindness, the expression of love, and the generosity that so many of you have showed us in the past couple of weeks. Both Jay and I have been deeply touched. Your comforting words helped ease the pain during this difficult time. Your outpouring of compassion made the nights shorter. If there is a silver lining in this tragedy, it has brought friends far and near together and it has renewed old friendship. We met and received cards from friends in our distant past … As one sympathy card said, Lannie is gone, but she will never be forgotten because she leaves a fragrance that will last a life time. With that in mind, I am hoping that this last update will begin the healing process which will make 2011 a much better year for all.

Thank you so very much for everything you all have done for Lannie, for me and Jay. Your kindness in time of needs shall be remembered!

Jon & Jay

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